“Fortune Favors Action”

I’ve been on a roll with the quotes from my books lately, so why stop now?

I’m currently reading #GIRLBOSS and a whopping 14 pages in, Sophia Amoruso smacked me upside the head with a killer paragraph (emphasis my own).


Abandon anything about your life and habits that might be holding you back.

Learn to create your own opportunities.

Know that there is no finish line; fortune favors action.

Race balls-out toward the extraordinary life that you’ve always dreamed of, or still haven’t had the time to dream up.

And prepare to have a hell of a lot of fun along the way.


I mean, how can you read that and NOT want to just take on the world?!

So here’s my update on how things are going with the Challenges:

  • Relax and spend some quality time with yourself at least one hour every week – JCT & Take an online class and learn to make your own greeting cards! – TH.

I have started painting watercolors, and I am officially obsessed! I have taken a shine to painting pineapples and it has been a joy watching them blossom under my paintbrush. I finally understand why people love to paint!

You can see pictures of my creations over on Instagram. I’m even thinking about getting super serious and painting some to sell!


  • Get story published by a major magazine under your own name – Me

I spend the past two hours working on this, so we shall see what comes of it. I plan to submit it to Real Simple, and perhaps see where else I could send it if I don’t win their competition.


  • Take a trip somewhere you have never been – alone. – MPM, DA, IS combined with
  • Visit California – SM

Sadly, this one is going to have to be put on hold. I had wanted to do this in September, but unfortunately, our car needed new brakes, rotors, and a bunch of other items. The travel budget got moved into the car budget, and thus no Cali anytime soon.


  • Make a dream board – MB

This is one I am going to work on this week. With the help of my Passion Planner, my Powersheets, and my latest read – 5: Where Will You Be Five Years from Today?, I am going to figure out exactly where I want to go. Which will, in turn, help me to create my dream board.


  • Read all of the books I own – Me 

As per usual, this one you can always catch up on over under the Bitchin Books section. You can see my ratings and which books I loved or hated, and why.


  • Read a classic book that you’ve always thought about reading but never took the time. – SYM

And finally, for the upcoming week at least, I plan to accomplish this challenge. The book I have chosen is How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

Considering this book was first published before World War II (1937, to be exact), I would definitely make consider it a classic! And yet, despite the fact that it was first printed almost 80 years ago, it still ranks as one of the top books in the world.

I am curious as to what makes it such an enduring book and whether it can actually help me do what the title says 😛


And on that note, I bid you adieu! I am off to get started on this week’s challenges, plus watch a little Olympics while I’m at it!





“You Need To Have The Audacity To Be Honest About What You Really Want To Do”

Another post, and another quote from the brilliance that is You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life.

The full quote goes like this (emphasis my own):

If you’re going to push through major obstacles to reach your goal,

you can’t just want to want to;

you need to be in a full-on tizzy of excitement about what it is you’re going after and hold on to it like a pitbull.

In order to do this, you need to have the audacity to be honest about what you really what to do, not what you should do,

believe it’s available to you regardless of any evidence otherwise,

and go for it.

So much of what I have been challenged to are things that I want to want to do, but haven’t really been focused on accomplishing. Every weekend that arrives, I look back at the week and realize how much I didn’t get done when it comes to my own personal goals. I get caught up in my work goals, and spouse goals, and let my personal goals fall by the wayside.

I know I’m not original in this. Nor is this the first time I am even complaining about myself in this way. But in the same way that sometimes you have to fall down ten times to get back up on that eleventh and win, I am needing this reminder today.

Much of it also stems from the fact that there are things in my challenges that I don’t want to do, though I know I should do them.

Exhibit A: be better about my yoga and meditation practices.

I also want to write my book that I have been working on (very slowly) since last fall.

No one is holding me back from these things except myself. If I truly pushed myself, I could do it. But I end up giving in to being lazy, or letting others take over. I need to demand that I have time for my needs and focus on accomplishing those as well.

Sorry if you came here to read about how I am accomplishing so much, but I do have plans for the upcoming week that should bring with it some actual goal completion.

Those plans are:


  • Relax and spend some quality time with yourself at least one hour every week – JCT

To do this, I am going to work on completing the other challenge of Take an online class and learn to make your own greeting cards! – TH.

I mentioned this in my previous post, but I have a watercolor set and I want to get better at painting with it.

Therefore, I am going to spend an hour today watching YouTube tutorials and painting.

I plan on doing the same thing on Friday. That way, I can start and cap my week with painting, and work towards completing one of the challenges.

  • Get story published by a major magazine under your own name – Me

I have ghostwritten stories that have ended up in major publications, but never had one published under my own name. There is a writing competition by Real Simple, with the challenge to answer “What was the most dramatic change you ever had to make?”

Considering that my life for the last year has been a series of dramatic changes, I thought this was a perfect place to start. And if my essay doesn’t win, then perhaps I can submit it elsewhere, and repurpose it to share the knowledge I learned from last year.

No matter what though, by May of 2017, I want to have a story published in a major magazine under my own name.

To accomplish this, I am going to start reviewing what I have written for my book and seeing where I can go from there. By this time next week, I am giving myself the goal of having a strong outline to write from.

  • Take a trip somewhere you have never been – alone. – MPM, DA, IS combined with
  • Visit California – SM

So this one will have to wait until pay day, but I am hoping to set in motion a plan to visit Cali at the end of September.

Not only do I want to attend the Re:Make Summit & Festival by Brit + Co, but I also want to visit the numerous friends I have on the West Coast.

As I have never traveled further West than St. Louis, I am ecstatic to (hopefully) finally see what all the California fuss is about.



  • Send a card to someone (as many different someones) every day. – MA

I am continuing this challenge and have thoroughly enjoyed sending these postcards so far. Almost nothing brings me more joy than sending little bits of happiness out into the world!

  • Attend yoga classes for a month. Being consistent with your practice. Feel the difference. Post postures in your FB feed – PL

I know I have said previously that I have started this one, but now I am “in a full-on tizzy of excitement” about going to yoga, and plan on holding “on to it like a pitbull.”

I have got to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk. Starting with tomorrow morning. I will be at yoga, come hell or high water.

  • Read all of the books I own – Me 

This one you can always catch up on over under the Bitchin Books section. You can see my ratings and which books I loved or hated, and why.


Hope this is enough excitement to keep you intrigued! Either way, I’m off to get my shit together and start working on my water color skills!

