Before you gag because of a cheesy title, it comes from one of my absolute favorite guides to authentic living, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
The full quote is:
Be your best, do your best, demand the best, expect the best, receive the best, and put your best out into the world so everyone can receive your best too.
If that isn’t a quote that is perfect for the start of a new year, then I don’t know what is!
- Start on your 401(k) – WW
After doing additional research on how crucial it is to save for retirement, plus realizing I was throwing away money if I didn’t do the full match with my company, I started doing the 3% deduction for my 401(k). Since my company will match, that will be 6% every month headed into my retirement fund. I kind of hate losing out on that money since I would love to use it to pay off credit card debt or go on a trip, but I am trying to think long-term here.
- Create a capsule wardrobe – Me
This one is partially completed, in the sense that I realized I was trying to fit into a box that wasn’t made for me. Instead of a regular capsule wardrobe, I’ve created a wardrobe that makes sense for my lifestyle. I’ve bought a ton of basic tees (from tanks to long sleeved, mostly from Pact, Everlane (though their quality was meh), and Target.
Minus the Target tops, I have also worked hard to keep last year’s New Years Resolution, which was to only buy clothing that met one (or more) of the following criteria:
(1) Sustainably made (fair trade, etc.)
(2) Eco-friendly (organic cotton, etc.)
(3) From a small business (and locally created – not ordered from overseas)
(4) Gives back in some way (think Toms, or my new favorite, Francis & Benedict)
My favorite buy has been the Nau long coat I bought when it was marked down (briefly) to $160. It’s already come in handy on cold New England mornings!
- Make a dream board – MB
The amazing Sarah Robinson came to visit and we both cerated Mind Maps for the year. Not quite a dream board, but it worked well enough that I feel like I have my head on straight to focus on what I want to do this year.
- Try something this year that scares you, something you could never see yourself doing! – AK, YA
This is one that I am starting next month, and making the hubby try it out with me! We are going to try out fencing.
I’ve always been fascinated with the sport, but it wasn’t until I saw the stories of Ibtihaj Muhammad and Dagmara Wozniak (I miss my purple hair!) during the Summer Olympics that I got the fire in my belly to really try it out. Be sure to check out my Instagram to follow along with the craziness.
- Get another dog – Me
I am working on convincing the hubby on this one. I think a second dog would complete our little family, but he is resistant. I will update on the wearing down of him over the next few months. LOL.
- My challenge for you is to do 5 minutes of planks a day in some combination of straight arm, forearm, all fours and side planks. – KQ [Started on 7-24-16; Restarted 1-16-17]
- Attend yoga classes for a month. Being consistent with your practice. Feel the difference. Post postures in your FB feed – PL [Started on 7-24-16; Restarted 1-16-17]
- Be physically active – AM [Started on 7-24-16; Restarted 1-16-17]
It seems super #basic to take on these challenges right at the turn of the new year, but they are all ones that I know I need in my life. I know that I feel SO MUCH better when I do yoga and take care of myself, and I need to make time and force myself into making this a habit.
- Do one nice thing for yourself every week 🙂self care, yo! – AK
- Relax and spend some quality time with yourself at least one hour every week – JCT
I often try to do this, but my problem is not enjoying it as fully as I should. I start to feel guilty about all of the things that AREN’T getting done. What I need to do is truly focus on enjoying moments for myself.
- Learning to meditate (even if you decide not to keep it as a practice) might be an interesting one. – KI-S [Working on it as of 6-1-16]
In this new year, my goal is to meditate every morning before I do anything. I am attempting to do that now, but will share more as I go.
- Get up earlier and use that time to focus on something you love – DBQ [Working on it as of 6-1-16]
See above lol
- Strengthen relationships formed throughout your life. – KBH
- Send a card to someone (as many different someones) every day. – MA [Working on it as of 6-25-16]
I am combining these two and working to send out (very belated) Year in Review cards to all of my friends and family. I am also making it a point to reach out more just to say hi.
- Get story published by a major magazine under your own name – Me
I submitted my article to Real Simple at the end of last year. They were supposed to let us know if we won this past week, so seeing as how I haven’t heard from them, I am going to assume I didn’t win. However, I plan on submitting my piece to other magazines soon.
- Read all of the books I own – Me
As per usual, this one you can always catch up on over under the Bitchin Books section. You can see my ratings and which books I loved or hated, and why. I need to update this and will do so this week, I promise!
Stay tuned for the ride, ya’ll! Love you <3